## translationWords * [[en:tw:abraham]] * [[en:tw:hagar]] * [[en:tw:ishmael]] ## translationNotes * **Hagar gave birth** - Hagar's return to Sarai and Abram is implict. You can make this more explicit: "So Hagar went back and gave birth." (See: [[en:ta:vol1:translate:figs_explicit]]). * **named his son, whom Hagar bore** - "named his son by Hagar" or "named his and Hagar's son" * **Abram was** - This introduces background information about Abram's age when these things happened. Your language may have a special way to mark background information. (See: [[en:ta:vol2:translate:writing_background]]) * **bore Ishmael to Abram** - This means "gave birth to Abram's son, Ishmael." The focus is on Abram having a son.